FF30th ANNIVERSARY PARADE RELICS Visit the page here!
Thank you for playing FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper. FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper will be unavailable during the following period while we carry out server maintenance. Expected Maintenance Period 2:00 AM 9/20 PST (10:00 AM 9/20 UTC) to 4:59 AM 9/20 PST (12:59 PM 9/20 UTC)
Thank you for playing FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper. FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper will be unavailable during the following period while we carry out server maintenance. Expected Maintenance Period 12:00 AM 8/24 PST (8:00 AM 8/24 UTC) to 4:59 AM 8/24 PST (12:59 PM 8/24 UTC) * Maintenance may be extended without warning. All game servers […]
Thank you for playing FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper. FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper will be unavailable during the following period while we carry out server maintenance.
Thank you for playing FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper. FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood CampaignnFINAL FANTASY XIV’s latest expansion Stormblood goes on sale on 6/20 PST (6/20 UTC)! FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper is giving away exclusives to celebrate this release! Stormblood Wallpaper Players can download a FFRK wallpaper that features artwork from FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood! The […]
Well well… that was unexpected, second update in a month? Why not! Page will be updated as I find more info!